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Caring for Our Parents During the Lockdown

We are living in trying times. The coronavirus pandemic has swept through the world, sparing none in its path. With millions of people infected and over three hundred thousand dead, this is seemingly one of the most devastating pandemics of our times. According to the WHO, this disease affects the elderly, infants, and those with underlying conditions more than others. In such times, it is extremely important to take good care of little children and our parents to ensure their safety and well-being.

Explaining corona-specific rules to avoid infections

Our parents are conditioned by their own life experiences and may think that we are overreacting and taking unnecessary measures. It is important to explain to them that these advisories are global and are being followed by everyone to ensure their safety. Explaining that with hospitals and clinics overwhelmed with patients infected with the Coronavirus, they might not get the support they need and may possibly get infected at the hospital or clinic that they visit.

Coping with aches and pains while being isolated at home

Our parents often suffer from aches and pains due to the normal aging process of the body. These commonly include back pain, muscle pains from injuries sustained earlier, and any post-operative pain. Most of these pains involve a quick visit to the medicine cabinet to relieve, however, painkillers are addictive and have many side effects that can cause more harm than good in the long run.

Combating back pain without the associated side effects of medication

Alleviating chronic back pain using a drug-free alternative can work wonders for our parents. Drug-free alternatives such as TENS therapy ensure fewer or no side effects and lasting relief. One such device is the WiTouch Pro. A smart, discreet, and truly wireless TENS therapy device, the WiTouch Pro can be controlled using a smartphone for added convenience. This device is FDA certified and has the highest stimulation output and the largest coverage area to ensure the most effective treatment and lasting relief from back pain.

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