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Help Your Baby Fight the Pandemic With the Power of Mother’s Milk

The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread unabated throughout the world. With children and the elderly being at a very high risk of contracting a severe form of this disease, it is important to keep them well-nourished and at home at all times. For infants and toddlers, the best way to boost their immunity is to provide them with an optimal balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates.

The perfect food source for your baby

The only food source that can provide your baby with all of these essential elements in the right proportion is mother’s milk. Enriched with antibodies, vitamins and minerals that are crafted for your baby by nature, the goodness of your milk simply cannot be matched by formula.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother

There are many benefits of breastfeeding apart from keeping your child’s nutrition levels in check. Breastfeeding has been associated with reduced incidents of breast cancer, preventing engorgement and reducing incidents of mastitis. Breastfeeding also helps mothers build an emotional bond with the baby and helps babies develop emotionally.

Benefits of breastmilk for the baby

Apart from nutrition, breastmilk has several other constituents that help your baby fight infections better. The most important part of breastmilk is the antibodies in it. These antibodies give the much-needed boost to the immune system of the baby, helping it combat the various illnesses that its immune system is not prepared for.

Benefits of breastmilk during the COVID-19 pandemic

Breastfeeding and breastmilk reduce incidents of asthma, respiratory illnesses allergies, ear infections and diarrhoea. As the coronavirus primarily attacks the respiratory system, breastmilk is especially important during the pandemic to ensure that your baby stays healthy and can fight the diseases better.

Careers and separation anxiety

For many women, maternity leaves are a wonderful way to ensure that they stay with their child until the baby begins to eat foods other than their mother’s milk. However, financial constraints and career growth prospects make most women get back to the daily grind at work. As babies have an especially strong bond with their mothers, returning to work causes anxiety in both mothers and babies. Many mothers seem to be unable to concentrate at work, which directly affects their productivity and career growth. Babies are using to having their mother by their side at all times, and the unavailability of their mother’s milk to calm them when they feel anxious can further cause distress for little children. Although formula and bottled milk can help, they are not the replacement for mother’s milk as they do not have the required antibodies and nutritional elements that are there in breastmilk.

Benefits of using breast pumps

Breast pumps are a great alternative for women who wish to get back to their careers. Breast pumps are also often the only way for mothers of premature babies to ensure that their babies get the nutrition they need to become strong, healthy adults.

Breast pumps help women to solve multiple problems in one go:

  • Breast pumps help the mother reduce her anxiety about the well-being and the nutritional needs of her baby, helping her concentrate at work.

  • Breast pumps help the baby get all the nutrition it needs even if the mother is not around or if the baby has latching problems or a cleft.

  • Breast pumps help mothers cope with engorgement, mastitis and latching problems.

Why are Kitett breast pumps better?

Kitett’s Breast pumps simulate the way your baby feeds using a patented pumping technology that is gentle. Adapting to your body morphology using the KOLOR Expression Kit, Kitett’s breast pumps ensure that you do not feel any discomfort while pumping. These devices help you build a supply of your milk so your baby can be fed at any time. With your milk, your child will develop into a healthy, happy individual who has a fine-tuned immune system to fight the COVID-19 pandemic better. Kitett is a global leader in childcare products that are focused on quality and nutrition for the baby. Kitett’s products are made to be extra gentle for the mother, ensuring that pumping breast milk becomes a rewarding, fulfilling process that can help the mother provide enough nutrition for her baby. Kitett is brought to you by Sanrai – an innovative global distributor of medical products that are focused to ensure your good health. Sanrai puts its focus on ensuring quality products, timely service, and a world-class support system that is there for you when you need it the most.

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